Not Many Drivers In The U.S. Familiar With
Pay As You Drive Car Insurance

As per reports, many drivers in the United States are not very much familiar with pay as you go car insurance covers. If you are one of them then you must know that such “Pay-As-You-Drive” or PAYD programs can help you to save money on your auto insurance premium.

Unknown Facts for Drivers

While most of the popular insurance providers do offer “Pay As You Go Car Insurance” policies in the U.S., as per latest findings, almost 58% of American drivers are still unaware about such types of auto insurance covers. One must not deny the fact that 70% of Americans think that they are good drivers but if one does not have proper information regarding various low cost options for insuring vehicles; a lot of money will get spent. Remember, by securing easy to afford Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) car covers, drivers could end up saving lot of money on premiums.

Besides, one must know that the overall pay as you go car insurance cost of premium could depend on the driving habits of a driver as well as the number of miles being driven. Majority of the insurers do provide PAYD programs for well over five decades now but not many drivers indicate willingness to get such policies. As per studies, about 37% drivers do not prefer PAYD car covers, around 35% indicated that they could be willing to sign up for such covers only if companies offered a premium discount which is over 25%. But there could be variety of factors which influence premium rates.

To that effect, if you are considering buying pay as you go car insurance for young drivers, you must first get some information pertaining to the parameters which PAYD programs track. Normally, these programs take into account factors like drinking and driving, hard breaking, whether the vehicle is being driven during day time or not, etc. On the internet, there are firms which can provide you valuable information on the subject. Besides, reliable and reputed sites online may even have a nationwide team of qualified and experienced car insurance agents who can guide buyers through the process.

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